Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dual Duels (part two)

Technical note: my update schedule is going to change slightly.  Instead of being Monday/Wednesday/Friday at some random point in the day, it will be on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday being posted at midnight or even earlier, possibly leading to the update being posted late in the day on the day before.  How is this different, you may ask?  Well, it hopefully prevents people from going to my blog on M/W/F and then not seeing an update and then being sad.  (actual part two after the jump)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dual Duels (part one)

A few days ago, I went to Renolia.  Catherine and Theo were waiting for me, but something was different this time.  (more after the jump)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Not much to say

The next several months after I met Catherine and Theo were pretty uneventful.  Every time I went to Renolia, I  met with one or both of them for a bit and then studied magic with Theo.  If I think of anything important, I'll post about it, but for the most part I'll post about what's going on now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Teacher

Sorry about the inactivity.  I'll try to stick to a M/W/F schedule, see how that works out.  (More after the jump.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

First Time (part two)

Again, it's after the jump.  I'm just doing this to avoid cluttering up the list of posts.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The First Time

Nothing interesting has happened the last couple of days, so I guess I'll just post about the first time I went to the land of Renolia.  (more after the jump)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Egg

I was out exploring some caves yesterday and I stumbled across a rather large egg.  It is dark red with a few white spots here and there.  I did some research in the royal archives, and it appears to be a dragon egg.  Dragon eggs can take up to one hundred years to hatch, so don't hold your breath.  This book on dragons also says that they were wiped out ninety years ago because humans were scared of them.  It makes no mention of the dragons being aggressive.  I think I'll keep the egg a secret from the Renolians for now.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I'm new to blogging, so please excuse my inexperience.  I made this blog so I could share my experiences.  Recently, I stumbled across a portal to another world. That world is called Renolia.  It's a world similar to our own, but it is stuck in the Middle Ages (possibly due to the presence of magic).  I will try to update this blog frequently with posts about what's going on now or what has happened prior to making this blog.